Friday, November 4, 2022

Supreme Court

What I Learned 
The video and reading  really opened my eyes to the way the Supreme Court is run and operated the first
major thing that surprised me is that Congress is the one who meets and decides how many justices there will be and they have the power to create inferior courts under the Judiciary Act of 1789 (, 2010). Also the video  talked about the fact that the court receives around 100 cases a week but only accepts 100 in a year which is astounding when you think about it. The amount of time and effort you have to put in to analyze every case that comes in and determine if it is worthy enough for the court has to be painstaking. The other moment from the video that I did not know about was how the judges meet once a week in conference to discuss upcoming and last court cases and say how they will vote on each which if you think about it does make sense to talk and converse about these things I just did not know it was once a week.

Most Important Take Away Point
The most important point that I took from the video
and readings is the court is infallible. The court is
made up of men and women who make mistakes and they have tons of pressure on them to decide whether a highly controversial topic is protected under the Constitution. I feel like all of us including me see these justices as masters of the law and while they are masters of their craft the video showed how much help these people have they each have their own teams and they heavily rely on each other to come to certain opinions.

                                                          Most Surprising Thing I learned

The most surprising thing I learned is mentioned before but the amount of help that the justices really receive. The teams in the video seemed massive and they help with stuff like helping to write opinions and even come to certain rulings while in the end all the credit and decisions come down to the justices they are definitely not alone in this process

How Did the Video Change The Way I View the Court
I personally was of the mindset that a Supreme Court justice had to be partly cut off from the world to make unbiased decisions based only on the constitution. While I still believe that their decisions are still based on the constitution they are very much connected to the world around him. In the video Clarence Thomas made a statement about how when the court decided to not take up a case the public like to spin it as the court has upheld a certain right or the court has denied a certain right and he made the point that the way the media spins that is very false. This statement made it seem to me that the justices do really care about their image it's just that justices really are not allowed much media time to express their opinions. Most people derive their entire opinions on what they think of a judge based on rulings they have made on court cases and the subsequent opinions they might write.

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